Law of attraction; How it changed my life.
As simple as it sounds, the law of attraction is a way for people to get and attract what they want in life whether it is positive or negative. Sadly some people don’t know it really exists.
Let me share my story about the law of attraction and how it changed my life.
First phase
After graduating way back in 2016, I was shocked at how the real world works. I was trying to apply for a job as a software developer but no company wants an employee who does not have experience. So I became stressed about how to start my career. So many job postings I tried to apply but still, I was not able to get an entry-level job in my field.
So I decided to work in a different field, a job that was not on my mind during my university time. The work is great because it pays well, and for me, as a fresh grad, it is very new to have that amount of money in my bank account.
Fast forward. On my 9th month at the work, I can say it became stagnant for me, and I always asked myself if “Am I gonna do this work for the rest of my life?” Also, I studied for 4 years in the field of Technology and here I am now working in a different field. I feel so unfit in the environment that I had. So back to being depressed, self-doubt and self-pity.
Second phase
While being depressed and self-doubt continues, I was trying to find some motivations on the internet reading blogs about motivation, and watching videos about success. Then I ran into a video about law attraction. The concept is very simple it says you get what you attract. At first, I find it funny but funny as it sounds I tried doing it myself.
At that time all I want to happen in my life is to have a software developer job, so in my mind, I always try to imagine working as a software developer I was manifesting it to happen to me.
So randomly as I browse my Facebook feed, my former professor from my university message me, he told me that they have a start-up company and offered me to join their team as a junior developer. So I said yes! right away. haha. I submit resignation from my current job then traveled all the way to my hometown and started my first software developer job.
Third phase
So I began working as a software developer, I learned many things in a start-up company in my field. The boost of knowledge overwhelmed me for a few months and I find it very satisfying. Finally, I got the job that I really love to do.
After working for almost 3 years, I hit a plateau, I’m happy? Yes! but I was unsatisfied. We are doing the same thing all over again. I became comfortable with the job I have, and I feel that I need to earn more with the skills that I had back then. So again I tried to attract the things that I want. I wrote down these things.
- Work as a remote software developer.
- Get my own car.
- Earn more money.
- Have my own office at home.
After a few months, I was offered a remote developer job with a big salary compared to my current job. So I grab it, two of my list is already happening to me. After a year of working at home, I built my own office. Then after a year, I got my first car. After I got all things on my list checked up It became a habit for me to write down all the things that I want in my life to happen, in my career, health, and personal life.
I realize that the law of attraction works because as we attract and manifest the things that we want to happen in our life, we always think and imagine it happening to us. So every day we are trying to do the things that will get us to the things and goals that we set for ourselves, it’s like we have a path to the things that we want.
My advice to people is that we need to have our own vision and mission for ourselves that we want to achieve in our life.
That’s all guys! Thank you.